05/52 Posts for 2021 - Unplanned Writing Pt 2

Posted on 2021-01-30 by GeniusMusing 3 min

Well, maybe not quite so unplanned

While I have been working on various future posts as some of the do require a fair amount of research, I have also been trying to get a little ahead of uploading new posts at the start of the week rather than at the end of the week. I am pushing this for a few reasons, work is starting to pick back up, updating the code for this blog is adding to my time requirements, and since the American football season is about to wrap up, the honey-do list of things I need to start working on around the house is also calling me.

While the site may not look much changed there have been many changes in the back. More PHP for starters, in fact almost every file has some PHP in it now. The main reason for this is wanting to stay away from Java. All of the post pages are now PHP pages for a few reasons. Moving the file from posts to archives caused the CSS to break and I also wanted to add a "hit counter" as it were. It will not be visible on the pages but it will give me an idea of how many visits the posts get. Nothing else is being tracked or stored on my end of things, I do know the hosted server does tracking from the data exchange between browser and server, they all can do it by default and it is something I cannot control so I can only limit things on what I do. The other part of the PHP is there is now a config file that has the many things that were hard coded in the pages like the base URL (blog home page), where the CSS files are and where images can be found. As it stands now the site would work either from a root or a sub-folder with these changes.

I also did a bit with the .htaccess file on limiting access to sub file and folders to keep the curtain closed to prying eyes. This site HTACCESS-Guide has about the right mix of technical details with good examples but does not go deep into the weeds with all possible options.

What's up next? I have several posts in the works and have plans to try and add an admin type page so that I (or whoever decides to use this blog software) can at least modify the config file and upload posts rather than use the hosting upload or FTP to update the site. It might be a while for more "Unplanned Writing" posts to appear.