
Posted on 2021-03-14 by GeniusMusing 3 min

Once again we are moving the clocks because this is one of those things that we just always do. You would thing by now that technology would be able to adjust the time on things so I don't have to change the time on the things that are not "smart", like the oven, microwave and the clock by my bed.

You would think that all the hours saved between 14 March 2021 and 7 November 2021 (238 in total at least in the US) that I could get maybe an extra week of vacation out of it, being that all the hours saved is almost six weeks (5.95 weeks at 40 hours per week) we could make a withdraw for personal use.

Even going with the assumption that those hours get used when not in between those dates we would still have an excess of hours to "bank" for use later. About 127 of them every year with the current dates. Every 2.874 years we have "banked" a 365 hours of daylight savings.

By the time someone reaches 69 years (68.9764 years) in age they will have "saved" a entire year of daylight. When can it be used? How do I get it? Is there a penalty for early withdraw?

Personally, I think all the time "saved" gets used up in Las Vegas where people go in "normal" times, running amok 24 hours a day for a weekend, maybe a long weekend, never sleeping because no one else does, until the plane ride home. Spring break is another possible time when the "saved" time gets used.

Then you have the interest on the "savings", what is the rate? Does it compound?

This definitely is a long term "savings" account that will gain in both "savings" and also build on the interest the account gets. Even at a mere one percent interest gains a lot over decades, and by the time you hit the young age of 53, you would have "saved" 8907.91 hours of daylight. There are 8760 hours in a 365 day year. If you you could get paid for those hours, by year 16 you would have over 2000 hours (2191.75 hours), enough to take a year off and get paid for it. Including vacation/holiday time.

With any luck, maybe this is the year we won't go back in November.

Daylight Saving Time: Senators once again introduce a bill, Sunshine Protection Act, to make DST permanent CNN

But what will happen to all that collective world daylight "savings" since it was first implemented in 1916? Who gets it? Who can use it? Where do I get my time back?

I think I have spent enough time with this subject, at least till November when it will more than likely be brought back for discussion or maybe a different discussion like why it is OK to change the batteries in our smoke detectors after eight months and then again in four months? You would think it would either be once a year or every six months. New Years day might be a good date to switch to but then again if you need a ladder to reach you might want to wait until the hangover is gone.

Also, Happy PI day.