
Posted on 2021-04-03 by GeniusMusing 11 min

Holidays have gotten out of hand.

According to the Holiday Calendar site, on April 3rd, there are five holidays.

They are:
National Film Score Day
National Tweed Day
National Chocolate Mousse Day
National Find a Rainbow Day
National Love Our Children Day

Looking at then by month, last month was the high for the year at 477 with 192 this month. The total for the year is 2520 "holidays" around the world.

holidays.jpg - image

Surprisingly, December has the lowest count at 115 "holidays".

Lets pick a couple from each month and look at them, we will not be looking at the standard or typical holidays that happen in various countries like Independence Day, the usual holidays nor the typical "Hallmark" holidays, I want to look at the unknown holidays, at least my most people.

NATIONAL DRINKING STRAW DAY January 3 - National Day Calendar

On January 3rd National Drinking Straw Day commemorates the date in 1888 that Marvin C. Stone received the patent for the paper drinking straw.

Maybe they should stop this "Holiday" with the bad rap straws are getting...

NATIONAL RUBBER DUCKY DAY January 13 - National Day Calendar

According to a 1973 Sesame Street calendar, Rubber Duckie’s Birthday is January 13th so around the country it’s National Rubber Ducky Day!

This is needed? Really?

NATIONAL TATER TOT DAY February 2 - National Day Calendar

John-Bryan Hopkins created the observance in 2009.

Ummmm.... OK I guess. I mean I like them but a Holiday for them?

Ice Cream for Breakfast Day Wikipedia

The holiday was invented on a snowy winter day in the 1960s by Florence Rappaport in Rochester, New York. The mother to six children, it was her youngest two, Ruth (now Kristal) and Joe Rappaport, who inspired her on a cold and snowy February morning. To entertain them, she declared it to be Ice Cream For Breakfast Day.

I will have to remember this one next year.

National Earmuff Day March 13, 2021 Happy Days 365

National Earmuff Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. The day honors the Chester Greenwood’s “Ear Mufflers” patent granted on March 13, 1977.

It is starting to look like anyone can get a Holiday if you invent something...

NATIONAL GOOF OFF DAY March 22 - National Day Calendar

Monica (Moeller) Dufour of Davidson, MI founded National Goof Off Day. According to official records, the first celebration took place in 1976. In an interview with the Detroit Free Press in 1983, Moeller suggests the first event may have been a few years later. Whenever the inaugural day took place, it’s no surprise National Goof Off Day was created by a kid with the direction to do things out of the ordinary.

This is one I can fully support.


In 2004, Pajamagram launched a campaign celebrating Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day as a reward for the late nights working on taxes.

After this past year I think it may have become a way of life for some...

NATIONAL HUG A PLUMBER DAY April 25 - National Day Calendar

The holiday has been observed since at least 2009. However, we have not been able to identify the founder of the day.

Sadly, it seems to have nothing to do with Mario.

No Pants Day in 2021/2022 When, Where, Why, How is Celebrated

While no one actually knows when No Pants Day originated, it is believed to have begun sometime during the mid-1980s. According to legend, sometime in 1985 or 1986, some guy had his wife iron his pants because he had a big meeting at work. However, he became late and had to suddenly head to work – unfortunately, he was so preoccupied with not being late, he forgot to put his pants back on and ended up boarding the subway pantless. Once he realized he didn’t have any pants on, it was too late, so he just smiled and pretended nothing was wrong. This story was passed around until it eventually became the origin of No Pants Day.

No. Just. No.

NATIONAL MEMO DAY May 21 - National Day Calendar

In 1989, KMJI Majic Radio 100 FM out of Denver, Colorado, created the observance to shine a spotlight on the mountain of memos flooding the American workplace.

Can you resend the memo? I lost it.

NATIONAL DAY OF THE GONG June 21 - National Day Calendar

GongtoGo.com founded National Day of the Gong to celebrate the extraordinary ways the gong can impact the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Sadly it has nothing to do with The Gong Show.

Tau Day in 2021/2022 When, Where, Why, How is Celebrated

Tau Day was launched in 2010 when Michael Hartl released The Tau Manifesto – a detailed document that showed why the constant of Pi is wrong and why the constant of Tau should be used instead. Since that time it has been celebrated all over the world.

I can't recall hearing about this day before, maybe I was busy eating Pi...

Ratcatcher's Day Wikipedia

Ratcatcher's Day, Rat-catcher's Day or Rat Catcher's Day is celebrated on 26 June or 22 July, commemorating the myth of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The town of Hamelin in Germany uses the June date and the term "Pied Piper Day". The confusion of dates is because the Brothers Grimm cite 26 June 1284 as the date the Pied Piper led the children out of the town, while the poem by Robert Browning gives it as 22 July 1376. It is a holiday remembering rat-catchers, similar to Secretary's Day and Presidents Day

I wonder if they will also have sales on this day.

System Administrator Appreciation Day Wikipedia

System Administrator Appreciation Day, also known as Sysadmin Day, SysAdminDay, is an annual event created by system administrator Ted Kekatos. The event exists to show appreciation for the work of sysadmins and other IT workers. It is celebrated on the last Friday in July.

Remember, this is the most important Holiday of the year.


Whilst we now have such an abundance of zucchini that we can afford, and in fact need, a holiday where we sneak it onto our neighbor’s porch, this hasn’t always been the case. It’s believed that zucchinis never really made their way across to the United States until the 1920s, and were brought across by Italians and then cultivated in California.

Zucchinis originated in Italy and have been traced back as far as the 1850s. The first written record of zucchini can be traced back to Milan in 1901. As global travel has increased so has the popularity of the zucchini. It is now used in cooking all across the world.

We’re not sure exactly when the first National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day was celebrated, but we do know that it was the brainchild of Thomas Roy, who also invented National No Socks Day and Humbug Day. He sounds like our kind of guy.

Now I will have to be on the lookout for random zucchinis...

NATIONAL PRESIDENTIAL JOKE DAY August 11 - National Day Calendar

National Presidential Joke Day began on August 11, 1984. During a soundcheck for his Saturday evening radio broadcast, President Ronald Reagan joked, “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” Since 1982, the networks had agreed comments made during sound checks were off the record. However, someone leaked the recording to the general public. Eventually, CBS broadcast the recording on its Monday evening report. Critics blasted Reagan as being unpresidential, and others considered the joke harmless under most circumstances.

I have questions about the last few years...

National Ampersand Day September 8 - National Day Calendar

Chaz DeSimone founded National Ampersand Day in 2015. His monthly design project, AmperArt, features “the ampersand as fun & fabulous art.”

& there is nothing more to this?

DAY OF THE PROGRAMMER 256th Day of the Year - National Day Calendar

In 2002, Russian programmers Valentin Balt and Michael Cherviakov of Parallel Technologies gathered signatures in the hope the Russian government would declare Day of the Programmers. It wasn’t until 2009 that the Ministry of Mass Media and Communications of Russia announced the official holiday. President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia signed the bill in honor of computer programmers on September 11, 2009.

Remember this, almost anything you do, see, touch and hear has most likely had the involvement of a programmer at some level.

NATIONAL GET FUNKY DAY October 5, 2021 National Today

Since October 5 is always National Get Funky Day, follow orders! As “One Nation Under a Groove,” we have a collective opportunity to pay homage to the power and majesty of The Funk. We’re not talking funk as in depressing, but funk as in get-happy-and-celebrate-life!

National Get Funky Day is the brainchild of Funkytown Fitness, a fitness center in St. Augustine, Florida. After Hurricane Matthew slammed into Florida, a group of Funkytown Fitness folks assembled to create National Get Funky Day every year on October 5 as a way to “help people break free of their comfort zones.”

I can dig this.

NATIONAL FLUFFERNUTTER DAY October 8, 2021 National Today

Although marshmallows date back to the Roman Empire, the marshmallow and its culinary cousins, marshmallow cream and fluff, were used as homeopathic remedies in the 1800s. But the Marshmallow Fluff associated with the world-famous Fluffernutter was first whipped up by Archibald Query of Sommerville, Massachusetts in 1917. Archibald made batches of Fluff in his kitchen and sold it door to door until sugar shortages and rationing during World War I brought Fluff sales to a not-so-sweet halt.

After the war ended, two candlemakers joined Archie as partners in 1920 and renamed the original recipe “Toot Sweet Marshmallow Fluff.” Archie sold his recipe to partners H. Allen Durkee and Fred L. Mower for $500 on May 14, 1920, who shortened their product’s name to Marshmallow Fluff.

Sales of Fluff under the Durkee-Mower, Inc. brand increased over the next decade. In 1930 the company sponsored a 15-minute radio variety show, “The Flufferettes,” to market their popular confection. As demand for gooey sweet Fluff grew, the company released “The Yummy Book” cookbook in 1940 with recipes using Fluff.

The big break endearing the famous peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff sandwich into hearts and kitchens across New England came in the 1960s when Durkee-Mower, Inc. trademarked “Fluffernutter,” the name of the most famous culinary concoction using Fluff.

2006 was a big year for the Fluffernutter. A proposal was made in the Massachusetts state assembly to make it the official sandwich of Massachusetts. That same year Fluffernutter became a new Brigham’s Ice Cream flavor. The state sandwich proposal failed, but the ice cream was a hit. And the first festival celebrating Marshmallow Fluff was held that summer.

I have someone to bug about this.

National Pickle Day in 2021/2022 When, Where, Why, How is Celebrated

National Pickle Day can be traced back to the Pickle Packers Association in 1949 as a part of National Pickle Week. However, this original holiday didn’t always fall on November 14th. All throughout history it was celebrated on different days.

Why are food Holidays always seem to be self promoted by the people that have an investment in their future? For some odd reason I initially thought this might be related to Pickle Rick.

Tie One On Day 25th November, 2020 Days Of The Year

Have you ever been worried about preparing for Thanksgiving? Well, there’s a day just for that. Tie One On Day is all about putting on aprons and getting your pre-prep going for the big cooking fiasco.

What? This has nothing to do with drinking?

PRETEND TO BE A TIME TRAVELER DAY December 8, 2021 National Today

If you’ve ever noticed any unusual characters on December 8, they might be celebrating Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day! On this day of imagination and time-hopping celebration we pretend that we can move across the years and go wherever we want.

You mean I only get one day a year for this?

HUMBUG DAY December 21 - National Day Calendar

Humbug Day on December 21st recognizes the Ebenezers, the Scrooges, grinches, and curmudgeons who suck the joy out of the holiday season.

Sometimes, even the most joyous of us all get bitten by the hum-bug. Regardless, it’s essential to do our best to remember all those who suffer from it the most. Spread some joy their way and bring the holiday spirit into their lives. However, the day was created to express our frustrations, to let the Scrooge in all of us out, and let him reveal himself. Whether we declare it through a humbug or two or just avoid the people-y places, the day gives us a break from the hustle and bustle of activity that comes with the season.


I guess at the end of the (Holi)day it seems that anyone or anything can be a Holiday.

Start a new one today. Or maybe tomorrow.

We have a National Procrastination Week but there are time I could use a month.