13/52 Posts for 2021 - Unplanned Writing Part 5

Posted on 2021-04-18 by GeniusMusing 2 min

The joy and fun of waiting on support

As I write this, my work is more or less finished on my end for about a week now and while I have added my files to their internal site and most of it seems to be working some of their server software needs to be brought to current versions and a reboot to continue. While I know their sysadmin very well, they also use an outside service for most of the lower level support which includes updating software on the server. As of this past Friday it looks like everything has been installed correctly and just needs to be rebooted.

It still has not been rebooted.

I am really hoping that all goes well with the upgrades as I have testing to finish before I let others in to play and validate the site and I really want it to go live this week.

In other things, I am still amazed that there is not a mouse button re-programming program for Linux. While I love my Logitech MX-Ergo trackball, the fact that I cannot easily just reprogram one, just one button, on the mouse is astounding. I did find key-mapper, GitHub sezanzeb/key-mapper: 🎮 An easy to use tool to change the mapping of your input device buttons. but for whatever reason, on Fedora 33 it will not run. At all. It seems to be a Fedora issue at this point. Beyond the fact that Logitech seems to have no interest in supporting Linux at all, I am just surprised that something like this is not baked into Linux already. I know the mouse device ID is 13 and the button I want to use is 9 and I want it to replicate the middle button should not be this hard in this day.

I might try a few things I have recently found while I wait for 4/20 to arrive.

That is the target date for Fedora 34 to be released among other things.