
Posted on 2021-06-21 by GeniusMusing 1 min

So a while back I had an idea.

Yea, I know, dangerous.

Music and songs typically tell a story in lyrics. What if I took the songs and reversed it to make a story out of a song? While the story could be just a longer version of the lyrics, this is not my goal. Music can evoke many different emotions and even instrumental works can lay the groundwork for a story. While I am working on a few other things I thought I would start with one that kind of came together very quickly, and I do mean quickly, like five seconds I had the outline done in my head. I have still yet to write it down. OK, Done.

The story is from one line in the song, that was all that was needed.

So, Music Stories will be a very random and maybe not very often thing that gets thrown into the mix here. The format may be a little different and may change over time as I try different things to see how it flows.