The Random Thoughts of GeniusMusing

Just another random blog


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Tom awoke with a start, sitting up in his bed, drenched in sweat and his hands shaking. He had never had a dream be so real. Or at least it seemed real. Very real. Also very fuzzy. While the effect on his body was real, his memories of the dream were not all there, it was almost more of an emotional memory rather than a visual memory.

Tom didn't remember most of his dreams. As he thought about it, he hadn't remembered any of his dreams for years. Many, many years. There was also something different, it wasn't just a dream, it was a dream in a dream in a dream. Or so it at least seemed that way. Maybe it was just three dreams that followed one another.

Maybe it was just work, it had been stressing him out a bit. It was also now the weekend so he had time to relax a little. Yea, sure he could. Even while doing some weeding in his garden his thoughts went back to the dreams. It would pass in time, if only that time was now.

Sunday morning, just like Groundhog's Day (The movie not the actual day) Tom woke up the same way as the day before, sitting up in his bed, drenched in sweat and his hands shaking. But this morning was just a little different, he remembered a little more. He also realized that it was a continuation of the same dreams, almost like they just picked up where they left off and things were just a little clearer, like someone had wiped away one of the layers of dirt off of the window to his memories, not clear but a little more visible in the way that the world around you gets just a little more visible in the twilight sky as it gets closer to sunrise.

"OK campers, Rise and Shine". Well, maybe this part was unspoken but it was Monday morning. And just like the last couple of mornings, it did not seem to start as well off as it could have. A little more clear and in focus were the memories of the dreams. At this rate it could take a month to really "see" them clearly. Maybe he should start writing them down.

"Dear Diary, last night..."

Oh hell no. That would not work.

"Dream notes, June twelfth..."

Nope, not fun enough.

"Captains log, Stardate..."

This will work!

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99045.25. This is a backdated entry due to the fact that I should have been logging these things for the past few days. Woke up from a series of dreams. The dreams are not clear but the emotions in them were very big.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99047.99. This is also a backdated entry. Woke up from a series of dreams. The dreams are getting a little clearer and the emotions in them are still there.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99050.72. Woke up from a series of dreams. The dreams are getting a little clearer and I am starting to notice a few things, the dreams are not exactly the same as the night before. It is as though it is the next day in the dreams. Not my next day but the dream is a continuation of the last dream.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99053.46. I actually saw the date in my dreams, it was almost week from now. Could these be premonitions? I also do not recall seeing myself in any of the dreams, maybe I need to find a mirror or window that I can see myself in a reflection. As a side note, since I am logging things, my allergy medicine that I have been taking most of my life, like most of the world, seems to have failed to auto-renew the subscription, it has been almost a month since my last dose. Not sure if these things are related or not.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99056.19. I have also seen the date in last nights dream, it was the next day and is about four days ahead of my current date. I have still yet to find a reflective surface to try and see myself, to see if it is me or not. One thing additional I did find out, all the dreams seem to end with me going to sleep.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99058.93.
Same as before, still no visual for myself. I did read yesterday that the kind of dreams I am having are becoming more common. Not common enough to make the news but there are a couple of people who have written about it and some of the comments people are leaving are saying the same thing.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99061.67.
Same old same old. In other news, the manufacture of the allergy medicine that everybody in the whole world takes seems to have just shutdown, closed the doors, etc. around three months ago. There does seem to be some connection between this and the dreams. Still nothing on the news but there is more chatter on the internet.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99064.4.
I have finally seem myself and the dates in all the dreams, I guess I forgot to log that the three dreams I seem to be having are separated by a few days. Well four days to be reasonably exact. There is too much lag to get an idea of the actual time but the date I can get with reasonable accuracy. It also seems that while I am "sleeping" I am actually having three different days. I wake up in the first, go about my so called life, go to sleep and the second dream starts up the same way, then the third. When the third finally goes to sleep, this is when I wake up.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99067.14.
Note to self, check lottery numbers in closest dream for the next drawing in my "real" life. Other than that, SOSDD. (Same Old S$%T, Different Day)

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99069.87.
The only winning lottery number I could see was for a pick three game that will play tomorrow. I have already purchased my "winning" ticket. I wish I could actually control "myself" in the dreams instead of being some sort of "ride along" passenger only able to see what "I" am doing.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99072.61.
I guess I am not the only one to try this, the lottery thing that is. I won. So did five million other people. I won a single penny. One. Stinking. Penny. On the other hand, the lottery has now closed down and all the money they have will be used to pay out all the winners with what they have on hand. We all broke the bank. As a side note, there were one hundred thousand winners of one of the large game. They seem to be getting five dollars each. And the governments (state and country) are looking into this as a fraud just because there are so many winners, what else could it be? We couldn't all have had the same dream idea.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99075.35. A new development, I am now having a fourth dream, this one four more days into the future. I might have to look into this string theory thing. Not everything seems to be adding up if all my dreams are in the future why does only one show the lottery incident. If they are different time lines this would make sense. Also now waking up more tired. I also am wondering if I am in someones dreams. You would think "seeing" almost a month into the future would be interesting but it is much like normal life itself, rather repetitive and boring.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99078.08.
Well, that didn't last long. All I can remember from the fourth life dream was a rather large and bright flash and then nothingness. I can only assume that there was some sort of catastrophic event that happened, whether natural, like say a killer meteor or an asteroid or something man made, like a really big atomic bomb I cannot say. I just know it ended with a bang.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99080.82.
The life three dream just published some big news, in one day a "planet killer" asteroid is on its way. It seems that the world governments knew about this but managed to keep it out of the news for months. This ties into what happened in the life four dreams but the timing is different, it should have had about three days but who knows how these things work.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99083.55.
Two down and two to go. There is much panic going on in the streets, many other people have had the same dreams of global extinction events and are thinking that this will happen to us in a week or so. Only time will tell.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99086.29.
The life two dreams are seemingly normal but life one dreams, the one closest to our timeline are taking a turn for the worst. They seem to be on the brink of a fourth world war. Yes, they actually survived a third one, just barely. From what I could find out it happened in the 1980's. Our war was "cold" but there's went "hot". They managed to avoid using nukes but it did leave quite a mess behind it.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99089.03.
And then there was one. The life one dream didn't happen last night, I can only assume the worst happened there or maybe I just died and everything else is OK. I have still yet to see myself. It is almost as if there is nothing to reflect around. My first thought is vampires and mirrors but that is just silly. Or is it?

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99091.76.
The life two dream very strange last night. It seems that aliens, yes, the little gray kind, have shown themselves. It also seems they are not alone. The one thing that stands out in my memory was one of the grocery tabloids by the register had a headline of "We told you so!". This may be the beginning of the end there, it seems every country wants to be their new best friend and access to their technology first. So far it has only led to some minor fights at borders. Four different alien species have made them selves known in eight different countries. This is a big mess in the making, pretty sure I have seem this in a movie somewhere.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99094.5.
Welp, that was fun while it lasted. As soon as the nukes started flying between countries, the aliens decided that the humans were just plain stupid and needed to go away. Rather than deal with all the radioactive fallout and waste, they just took all the nukes off planet before they could do any damage and setup "education centers" for everybody on the world to attend "Peaceful Coexistence" training. From what I remember, after going through the line to enter, you went through an entryway into a room but you never made it into the room, you became, I guess for the lack of a better term, atomized. To become fertilizer. I guess better than becoming food. This may or may not be my last entry as I have no more life dreams left. Maybe I will still do this just for a record.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99097.23.
OK, this just got very real. Also very different. Guess who is coming to dinner? Aliens. The difference this time is that the countries with nukes had worked together to come up with a plan. If the aliens showed up, send all the nukes into space at them. Why? Do you really think any of our governments could actually be peaceful? Needless to say the aliens swatted them away like little bugs. At the moment they are broadcasting to all of earth, make peace with your maker, it will all end in a few hours. It seems that they are also running commercials for other aliens on how they are going to be terraforming our little blue marble into a orange and purple marble that will become a holiday destination for other aliens.

Entry: Captains log, Stardate 99099.97.
It would seem that they just wanted to see mass panic and destruction that we would do to ourselves. There was plenty. About 60% of the worlds population gone in a day, all on our own. They are still showing the commercials and the progress of the terraforming ships making their way to us. They also have taken an interest in one of the earths old nursery rhymes, Row, Row, Row Your Boat. I can only wonder if they were behind the dreams...

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.

Life is but a dream.

Will someone be dreaming of me?