Posted on 2021-07-11 by GeniusMusing — 2 min
Kind of...
This is post 23 of 52 on week 28. In theory this should be post 28 but it is not. This is not to say I have been lazy, I actually have seven posts in different stages of research that are not yet ready and am in the process of changing four of our five computers from Fedora to OpenSuse. I have one done (this desktop), well mostly done except for things I am trying out like the K* things for email/calendar/etc vs Thunderbird but I need to resolve a few things like the wallet that everything seems to want access to with password required. Fortunately, I think I have found my answers. My notebook is running and was the original test machine but I "stole" the SSD drive for my desktop move and I have a couple of new SSD arriving (today they say) to reinstall OpenSuse (it is currently running on spinning rust and so painfully slow) and clean up a few things. The second SSD is for the wife's notebook so I can do the install and if things go pear shaped I can just swap them back over and she is still good to go. That "old" SSD will then go into the "new" TV computer (up cycling better hardware) to be reloaded with OpenSuse and the old TV SSD will be used for... not sure, maybe my backup server but I don't really need any speed there. And then there is the whole "working" thing. Actually, being only five posts behind at just over halfway isn't to bad I guess.
Random question: Does a sleeping computer count as up-time?
My backup server, a server in name only as it is just a regular main board with a few bigger drives used for automated backup of my other "real" servers that sleeps for around 23 hours a day and provides about one hour of up time for me to update the OS (Debian) if needed and then backup my files and go back to sleep until the following day. At this point I have about a month of up time since last reboot for a kernel update but it has only been "on" for about 30 hours or so.
I am in the process of making some changes to the backup bash script and will post the results when I get it all sorted out.