
Posted on 2021-09-06 by GeniusMusing 2 min

Labor Day Wikipedia

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September in any given year (i.e. a single day from September 1 through September 7) to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. It is the Monday of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend.

Now that we have the official definition out of the way, what is this day entail for me, a small business owner.


Unpaid work.

Because everyone else has the day off.

Well, unpaid for now, hopefully I will be paid for it later.

The same for all those Saturday's and Sunday's I have worked.

Until a couple of years ago I had the day off paid, as well as all the other paid holidays. When you work for yourself and you are not big enough to have all those days off paid, you keep on working to get there.

My work these days usually involves a computer writing code, and the commute is about 30 feet so it is not as sad as it may sound and I already have about six hours in and have just about finished what I wanted to get done.

Some days you just have to summon your inner Carl Spackler.

BBQ ribs are in the slow cooker and there is some football on tonight, So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.

If you are enjoying the paid day off, well done.

If you are enjoying the unpaid day off, keep working until you can enjoy it as a paid day off.