A lot has changed in the past few months. I picked up a major project in June but it didn't really start up until September. And wow did it ramp up! It is almost a full time gig hour wise and looks like it will run until May or June of this year with maybe longer but with less hours doing maintenance and other things.
I have been on a search for a different blog platform as I don't have much time these days to work on my own but I have not had much luck in finding one I like and will work for me.
Speaking of writing, I have decided to try the 52 Posts a year again, I did make it over half way last year (28 posts) which was more than I actually thought I would do in hindsight, the last part of last year with all the work made me look at things a little different when it came to time management. And yes, I am counting this post as the first.