The Random Thoughts of GeniusMusing

Just another random blog

15-52-2022-The Birds

- Posted in 52Posts-2022 by

I have been attacked by birds.

The Birds Move Frame

Well, not me personally but my house.

They, or at least one bird decided that the vents from the bathrooms, yes both of them and the vent from the laundry room would make a good place for a nest.

Bird in vent

The bathroom ones were not to bad to clean up, just some twigs and there seemed to be no further damage.

The laundry room vent, well it took a bit more work.

First, it was probably where they started with the nest, the flexible duct had about 6 feet (2 meters) of nesting materials and had also been torn at some point so there was material in the ceiling below the duct. Material that was in a pile up to the duct.

Add to that, when the house was built the builder decided to use 5 inch ID duct and 5 inch connections to the outside vent.

I can't find any of that size, while listed all over much of what I found was really a thick walled 4 inch duct that would not work.

On the plus side, the exhaust fan was designed for 4 inch ducting and there was an adapter to the 5 inch, so I just moved it to the vent and used a 4 inch duct to connect them.

To keep the birds out, I picked up some 1/4 inch wire fabric from the local hardware store along with some screws and cut the fabric to fit behind the vents louvers and screwed it into place.

So far, so good. Time will tell if it works permanently.

Next spring DIY project, Sprinkler valve rebuilds.