February 2021


During the past nine days I have been working on a new spec project that has pretty much taken all my working time. While I know enough of different programming languages to at least get an idea of what they are trying to do, there are only a few I really know well. PHP is getting to be one of them. In nine days, 55 files in 20 folders, just over 2000 lines of code that is a mix of PHP, HTML, CSS and a few INI files, not [...] Read more

Posted on 2021-02-27 by GeniusMusing 3 min


The events below happened around two years ago while I was still trying to get to the Pacific Northwest (PNW) from the Chicago suburbia. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Day One After a rough winter and several years of job searching without filling out an application as I can be choosy about what I apply for. None of the ads I have seen have fallen into two categories, either not my thing (not even [...] Read more

Posted on 2021-02-11 by GeniusMusing 9 min


People it seems, are creatures of habit. Once they do something a few times they tend to do it more often until they do it on a regular basis. To be clear, I am not talking about habits that are detrimental to our existence, rather, the patterns of things we do mostly without realizing it. Why do we do these things? Because it has always been done that way or maybe it is just something that was picked up along the way. [...] Read more

Posted on 2021-02-10 by GeniusMusing 5 min

06/52 Posts for 2021 - SLS - Is It Worth It?

Space is not cheap but this is ridiculous. “Space is hard.” This has been said many times by many different people but what they are failing to add to it is “Space is expensive, very expensive. Especially for governments.”. This will be a look at five different rockets that are or will be used in the near future for travel beyond earths confines. While there are others that are in the current space race, these [...] Read more

Posted on 2021-02-06 by GeniusMusing 6 min